Right Knight
Right Knight Campaign
David Warlick said, “For the first time in history, we are preparing students for a future we cannot clearly describe.” This is undoubtedly true.
We live in a world where technology is progressing at an astonishing rate, a world where social media is in the palm of our hands, and a world that is connected in ways that previous generations could not imagine. It is in this world that we have the exciting task of educating children and leading them to embrace change and to use the wonderful opportunities that technology presents them with on a daily basis.
One of the most important ways that we can help our children navigate the ever-changing landscape of life, be it in a social, family, work or school context, is to instil in each learner a value system which is part of the very heart and fibre of their beings. By instilling values, children are given the tools to face an uncertain future.
At Knights Preparatory School, these values are instilled and each child is encouraged to live in a RIGHT way.
R – Respect | I – Integrity | G – Goodness | H – Helpfulness | T – Talk Right
Learners are taught to have respect for each person they meet, as well as themselves. By valuing privacy, our learners have a framework that will help them to manage their presence on social media and to behave with integrity in every sphere of life.
We embrace diversity and teach tolerance through encouraging our learners to help anyone in need and to look for the good in each situation or person. By encouraging our learners to “Talk Right”, whether verbally one-on-one or on various social media platforms, relationships are built and maintained and careless words are discouraged.
These values are celebrated on a weekly basis in our assemblies where our learners are acknowledged for displaying RIGHT Knight characteristics. We are confident that by building the moral fibre of each individual, we will equip our children to face their futures boldly and confidently and that each one will have the tools to have a positive impact on those around them as each one chases his or her dreams.

Find out how we equip our children to be life-long learners.
Students Depot
Contact them on: Knights@schooldepot.co.za
We offer a variety of extra mural & cultural activities.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”.
A mentoring programme where our teachers and learners creatively explore vital life skills and more.
Growing in God.
Accelerated Learning Programme
Our Accelerated Learning Programme caters for all learners no matter their need.
Board of Directors
The Role of the Board of Directors